Flopsy (named after her big Bunny ears) the Jack Chi was born about 7/13/20 and weighs in around 7lb. She has a little growing to do but will remain a tiny dog. She is a puppy and has all of the endearing qualities, including trying to learn house training and to come when called. She is playful and a little scared at first, so needs an encouraging loving home with patience. She likes other dogs and cats. Children need to be older and dog savvy so as not to worry her. She is a delightful little girl and will be so happy to be in a home to start learning.
email us at animalrescuecarolina@yahoo.com for an application or to meet Flopsy.
About Flopsy |
- Status: Adopted!
- Species: Dog
- General Color: White with Red, Golden, Orange or Chestnut
- Declawed: No
- Housetrained: No